EDC is home to people who care deeply about improving education, health, and opportunity worldwide. Contact them to learn more about what we do and what we know.
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Hanna Girma Wedajo, EDC senior research associate, specializes in qualitative research, policy analysis, program evaluation, and research...
Andrea Weidele is a training and technical assistance associate for the Center for Early Learning Professionals. In this role, Andrea...
Amy West is an international humanitarian and development practitioner with expertise in education and livelihoods protection and youth...
Kristy Whitcomb brings extensive expertise in public health, early childhood education, home visiting, continuous quality improvement (CQI...
Jessica (Goldberg) Williams, a certified prevention specialist and highly skilled trainer, designs and delivers impactful learning events,...
Catherine Williams, a sustainable development communications professional, has worked with the United Nations, nonprofits, and social...
Amy Willsey is an EDC vice president and the director for new business development in the International Development Division.
Jennifer Wilson has decades of experience in effective financial management, financial forecasting, business development, and fiscal...
Lukas Winfield is an experienced mixed-methods researcher and evaluator of STEM education. His research focuses on how education materials...
Diana Wogan is an expert in social and emotional learning (SEL), the whole child approach, and policy analysis. An experienced researcher...
Cassie Wright is an EDC operations director and an experienced leader in nonprofit management. She brings over 15 years of experience...
Angela Wu, financial manager, is highly experienced in fiscal analysis, budgeting, monitoring, financial forecasting, and complex financial modeling.
Kit Yasin is an instructional designer with over two decades of experience designing and directing projects that often include the...
Carol Yoshizumi is a highly skilled and experienced graphic design associate and illustrator. For over 35 years, she has designed and...
Jessica Mercer Young, developmental psychologist and senior research scientist, has extensive expertise in early childhood education, quantitative and qualitative methodologies, mathematics teaching and learning, mastery motivation, and growth mindset.
Christina Yung is a highly skilled financial manager for the U.S. Division. She brings extensive experience and a diverse skill set in...
Jen Yurof, EDC project director, is an experienced instructional designer and online learning specialist. She has extensive experience...
Sania Zaidi, EDC senior research scientist, is an expert in assessment design and in promoting K–12 STEM teachers’ instructional and...
Wael Zaraket, project manager for the Higher Education Capacity Development (HECD) project, has over 12 years of experience in higher...
Ezana Zemo is the program manager for EDC’s Youth Workforce Development projects in Ethiopia as well as the EDC country representative in...
Julie Zeringue, EDC research scientist, seeks to identify strategies to improve the quality, equity, and rigor of computer science (CS) and...
Xinxin Zhang, research associate, has expertise in data analysis, educational research, and policy evaluation. Zhang specializes in...