COP28 Discussion PaperCoalition One-Pager

Global economies are facing an era of seismic transformation.

The climate transition is redefining the future of work, urgently requiring new competencies, reshaping industries and entire communities. Without a skilled workforce ready for this future, our progress toward a climate-resilient world stalls, leaving the fate of essential climate initiatives in the balance.

Yet despite this need, more than 60 percent of current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) lack implementation plans regarding skills development. Meanwhile, traditional education and training systems struggle to adapt and deliver relevant skills training and workforce development. If left unaddressed, the gap between a skilled workforce and a new labor market will grow; disproportionately impacting young people and women, as they are already more likely to be under-educated, unemployed, or underemployed in the informal economy.

The stakes couldn’t be higher: 1.8 billion young people are standing at the precipice of this global change, poised to enter an uncertain labor market shaped not just by climate impacts, but also rapidly evolving technologies and a global demographic shift – making them the largest youth population and workforce in history.

Without action, we risk exacerbating inequities and holding back young people from their potential and power to drive a sustainable future.

Realizing our collective climate ambitions is only possible with a workforce ready to power the economy of the future. We must work across sectors to advance sustainable and inclusive jobs in the green and blue economies for the next generation.


A high-level overview detailing why we need a global coalition that brings together young people, governments, implementing organizations, the private sector, multilateral institutions, philanthropies, universities, and think tanks to ensure we resolve local and national gaps to best develop the human capital needed to power the green economy and deliver a just transition.
A discussion paper highlighting the crucial role of youth in driving a just economic transition and accelerating climate change adaptation by connecting local initiatives with global commitments, policies, and financing mechanisms, offering a set of near-term actions that diverse partners can undertake to foster a youth-inclusive green economy at scale.
An overview of EDC’s capacity as a leading international organization working at the nexus of youth workforce development and employment, education, climate change adaptation, and the green economy in low- and middle-income countries.
An overview of Our World, Our Work, a 10-year initiative, spearheaded by EDC, that seeks to accelerate youth employment and self-employment in the green and blue economies.

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