EDC develops practitioner-informed professional development and resources that build professional and organizational capacities. We engage educators, health providers, and community agency staff in communities of practice that reflect current findings on effective strategies to support adult learning and systems improvements.

We develop and deliver training and technical assistance to frontline staff in classrooms, clinics, and communities that support their use of evidence-based practices to enhance services. We also build policymakers’ capacity to collect, analyze, and use data to guide decision-making.

Learn about EDC’s work to strengthen early childhood interventions with Continuous Quality Improvement.

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Addressing the Opioid Crisis through Home Visiting
Home visiting programs are critical to supporting children affected by opioid misuse, says Loraine Lucinski.

Crisis, Conflict, and Resilience
In times of crisis or conflict, some communities struggle while others pull together. It’s all about resilience.

Accelerating Education in Liberia
An estimated 300,000 Liberian children do not attend school. What’s being done to provide more access to education?

3 Ways Schools Can Support Children Affected by the Opioid Crisis
Schools are uniquely positioned to address the needs of children exposed to trauma, says Shai Fuxman.


Here are a few of our resources on capacity building for individuals, organizations, and systems. To see more, visit our Resources section.


This questionnaire was developed by EDC, with funding from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, for schools and districts to support student-centered learning (SCL) approaches.

White papers

This white paper provides an overview of dosage, the data necessary to study dosage, and related key considerations.


This collection of essays shares insights and strategies from EDC’s work to support teachers’ professional learning, as well as links to an array of EDC’s resources for teachers.


This 11th edition is an update to the toolkit, which was developed for self-study teams of leader preparation program providers, state and district partners, and other stakeholders taking part in W

Resource libraries

Through the Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (HV CoIIN), EDC guides Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program awardees in using continuous quality im


Sustainable Finance Initiative: Focuses on school health and nutrition.


These three, free interactive puzzles—“Mobiles,” “Who Am I?,” and “Mystery Grid”—are popular with young people, families, and educators across the U.S. and around the world. 


This toolkit helps build the capacity of teachers and leaders to use evidence-based practices, universal design for learning (UDL) principles, and technology to improve student engagement, motivati

Resource libraries

This resource library contains programs and strategies for addressing school-based health and safety issues, including bullying, substance abuse, mental health, and school discipline.


This guide provides youth-serving program developers and practictioners with a practical set of suggestions and reference materials to improve youth livelihood development practices and to expand programming in this important area.