In collaboration with education and industry partners across Latin America and the Caribbean, EDC creates basic education and workforce development programs that are relevant and tailored to respond to community needs.

Our basic education programs use interactive audio instruction—a concept we pioneered—to reach learners in settings that are both remote and lacking in necessary resources. Our workforce development programs prepare young people for available market opportunities, and we design and implement evidence-based interventions to offer young people a new, more positive course.


Here are a few of our resources on Latin America and the Caribbean. To see more, visit our Resources section.

These three stories highlight recent successes from the Honduras Reading Activity (HRA). HRA builds a stronger bond between families and their schools to strengthen community resilience and cohesion, retain children in school, and reduce irregular migration.


This paper explores the potential of interactive audio instruction (IAI) as a cost-effective strategy for improving the resiliency of education systems.


Technology has proven to be one of the missing links in order to guarantee educational and workforce improvement in developing countries.

Fact sheets

Overview of EDC's higher education institution experience providing market-relevant job skills for youth, resulting in successful entry points into the world of work.


This program note summarizes key gender issues in livelihoods and workforce development programs and discusses EQUIP3's approach to addressing gender, using examples from specific EQUIP3 youth projects to illustrate lessons learned.


The Learning Generation Report presents an action plan to deliver and finance an expansion of educational opportunity for more than 260 million children and youth who are not in school today.


Drawing on its extensive work in fragile environments, EDC developed this set of case studies that chronicles best practices, lessons learned, and stories of success.

This 2-page document summarizes the impact of IDEJEN, the Haitian Out-of-School Youth Livelihood Initiative, which addresses the education and livelihood needs of youth ages 15-24 with little or no primary education.


This study reviews student assessment data collected from 15 EDC projects to determine the impact of interactive radio instruction (IRI) on student achievement in hard-to-reach areas.


Learning team approaches aim for groups of education professionals that collaborate at every level—classroom, school, district, and central—to ensure learning for all.