EDC is home to people who care deeply about improving education, health, and opportunity worldwide. Contact them to learn more about what we do and what we know.
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Cecilia La Torre Ramirez is a development practitioner with a passion for unpacking and systematizing complex information to support...
Barbara Lambiaso is a skilled project manager with expertise in nonprofit public relations and communications promoting health and wellness...
Allison LaMont, an expert in early childhood development, family support, and parenting, has extensive experience in home visiting,...
Linda Langford is a public health professional with expertise in strategic planning, health communications, and program evaluation. Special...
Sattiya Langkhapin is an experienced curriculum designer and educator with a passion for promoting equitable access to quality education...
Heidi J. Larson, a digital education specialist and senior manager, leads and co-leads initiatives that build capacity to improve learning throughout the lifespan.
Daniel Lavan is a researcher and evaluator with interests in education, child rights, and child work, particularly in Africa.
Heather Lavigne, an expert in child development and research methodology, leads studies that explore how to enhance formal and informal PreK–12 learning.
Silvia LaVita, an experienced project associate, provides high-quality support to advance the goals of EDC’s K–12 STEM education...
Irene Lee is a national expert in computational thinking and K–12 STEM education. She leads a body of research that advances knowledge of...
Kristin Lees-Haggerty, an experienced public health researcher, focuses on designing, testing, and disseminating innovations to improve...
As a project coordinator and webinar specialist (technology specialist I), Keri Lemoine assists EDC projects with design, virtual event,...
Jennifer Leonardo, a nationally known expert in public health and injury and violence prevention, has extensive experience in quality improvement, health and social work program development, quantitative and qualitative research methods, and capacity building.
Zhandra Levesque, public health expert and experienced manager, leads projects focused on improving population health.
Abigail Jurist Levy, leader of the Coalition for Elementary Science Education at EDC, is a nationally known researcher and expert in science education.
An expert in early education, literacy, and teacher professional development, Carrie Lewis, senior technical advisor, has more than 25 years of experience designing, implementing, and managing programs that improve access to quality education around the world.
Rebecca Lewis, a nationally recognized expert in STEM education, leads initiatives that catalyze young people’s interest in STEM and connect classroom experiences with the world of work.
Andrew Lewis, a committed and passionate development professional, has 25 years of leadership and technical experience working on U.S...
Ashley Lewis Presser leads research that advances knowledge of the classroom practices that best support Pre-K–12 learning and achievement.
Melissa Lin (she/her), project director, brings extensive expertise in product development, communications, on-site and virtual event...
Bonnie Lipton is a public health educator, providing subject matter expertise on suicide prevention best practices to campus, state, and community organizations.
Kathy Lisborg, licensed clinical social worker and senior project associate, is experienced in implementation science, mental health,...