
Kristin Lees-Haggerty, an experienced public health researcher, focuses on designing, testing, and disseminating innovations to improve health care for older adults. An expert in the prevention and remediation of elder mistreatment, Lees-Haggerty specializes in formal and nonformal approaches for improving elder mistreatment identification and response.

Lees-Haggerty is the project director for the National Collaboratory to Address Elder Mistreatment, a team of elder mistreatment experts and clinicians from across the country who are designing and testing a care model for identifying and responding to elder mistreatment in emergency departments. Lees-Haggerty is also leading the development of an online elder mistreatment training curriculum for emergency medical services providers and works on the dissemination of UCLA’s Alzheimer and Dementia Care program.

In addition to publishing her work in peer-reviewed journals and presenting at refereed conferences, Lees-Haggerty is honored to serve as guest editor for an upcoming issue of the American Society on Aging’s Generations focused on elder mistreatment.

Lees-Haggerty holds a PhD in Population Health from Northeastern University and an MA in Applied Psychology from New York University.