About this project library

EDC collaborates with public and private partners to create, deliver, and evaluate programs, services, and products in 22 countries around the world. This library contains profiles of our current work and initiatives.

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51 Projects found
Rolled out on July 16, 2022 , 9-8-8 is a new three-digit number for behavioral health crises that replaces the 10-digit number (1-800-273-8255) for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline...
In recent years, Liberia’s Ministry of Education (MoE) has made great strides in improving access to education for learners who have not been able to attend formal school. However, there are still...
In the 1960s, EDC’s African Primary Science Program (APSP) revolutionized primary science instruction in Africa. A generation later, EDC is exploring the reintroduction of APSP in Kenya, Uganda,...
Substance misuse is an urgent public health crisis with far-reaching consequences affecting individuals, families, communities, and society. Current prevention programs are a key factor in mitigating...
State education agencies (SEAs), including independent early learning offices, play an essential role in developing policies that support young children’s school readiness and success. Yet nationwide...
Research shows that unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death in children and youth ages 0 to 19 in the United States. In 2018, the National Center for Health Statistics reported that...
In many Asia Pacific nations, environmental degradation has a disproportionate impact on Indigenous populations. The damage is substantial: forest destruction, warming and pollution of fishing waters...
In the past, many informal learning institutions have not considered neurological differences as they planned learning experiences. Or, they have offered separate programming for autistic individuals...
According to the Statistica, in 2022, the youth employment rate in Djibouti was 77.19% 1 compared to the overall unemployment rate of 27.93% 2 in the same year. With a small economy and limited...
Located in a key geographical area in northeastern Africa, Djibouti has the opportunity to shift from being a country with a limited economy to being a global trade and commerce hub. However, many...
Big data is changing industries—including health care, journalism, science, and manufacturing—at breakneck speed, and these rapid changes are challenging the U.S. education system to keep pace. How...
To meet the growing demand for quality education, the world needs 44 million additional teachers by 2030, with 15 million of them in Sub-Saharan Africa alone. However, increasing the supply of...
The first 10 years of a child’s life are a critical developmental period that impacts all that follows. During these years, opportunity and achievement gaps begin early for the millions of U.S...
Advocates working across domestic violence agencies, child protection systems, human trafficking agencies, and elder abuse units need specific skills and knowledge related to suicide prevention. Yet...
Data is an ever-growing resource that businesses—across diverse industries—use to create, innovate, and improve business practices by better understanding customer bases, creating personalized...