
While Senegal is a beacon of stability and development in West Africa, its labor market remains unable to absorb a rapidly growing labor force. Youth are the most likely to be unemployed or underemployed, with options for those in rural areas limited to poorly paying jobs in the informal sector. However, even as the population continues to grow exponentially, there is a real opportunity for Senegalese youth who are equipped with skills, knowledge, and social resources to identify spaces to create successful business and employment opportunities.

The Projet de Formation Professionnelle et d’Insertion (PFPI; Technical Education and Transition to Work Project) aims to facilitate access to dignified and fulfilling work for young Senegalese in various education tracks, including technical and vocational education and training (TVET), middle school, higher education, and apprenticeships. The PFPI project is funded by the Mastercard Foundation and implemented by EDC in partnership and with support from multiple institutional, private sector and nongovernmental partners. Aligned with the Government of Senegal’s development plans, PFPI will prioritize growth in agriculture and agri-food systems, providing both on-farm and off-farm opportunities for youth in rural and urban areas.

Key Activities

  • Create 14 regional centers of excellence to serve as models of sustainability and resource centers for professional development and demand-driven training using modern equipment and student-centered approaches
  • Scale the integration of work readiness and entrepreneurship skills training to the Senegalese education system, working directly with 150 middle schools, 95 technical and vocational centers, two higher institutes of trade, and one university
  • Create a network of master artisans and private sector partners who work with project partners to integrate apprenticeships with life skills and entrepreneurship training
  • Drive cooperation and promote public-private partnerships that benefit youth as well as workforce development goals through increased coordination, collaboration, and data-driven action among stakeholders and decision makers


  • A national youth employment and entrepreneurship program that enhances learning outcomes throughout the education system, reaching 183,000 youth
  • 100,000 young people, 70% of them women, engaged in dignified and fulfilling work
  • An inclusive and responsive governance structure that continues to invest in and promote demand-driven education tracks and skills programs, positioning the youth of Senegal to succeed in the workforce

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EDC Staff
Mastercard Foundation
  • Caritas Kolda
  • Caritas Ziguinchor
  • Jeunesse et Développement (JED)
  • YMCA