As part of the 2015–2020 Ready To Learn Initiative, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) devised a new model of community partnerships called Community Collaboratives for Early Learning and Media (CC-ELM). They then selected 30 public media stations across the United States to lead them.
The stations joined forces with organizations such as schools, Head Start programs, libraries, literacy nonprofits, afterschool learning programs, community centers, interfaith groups, clinics, housing authorities, and food pantries to establish the partnerships. They then adapted the CC-ELM model to local community needs and opportunities.
EDC and SRI researchers collaborated on the collection and analysis of data from all 30 participating stations and selected 6 stations for individual case studies. The executive summary outlines the context for the entire CC-ELM initiative and provides snapshots of the six PBS stations in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Austin, St. Louis, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. The summary also includes findings on the impact of CC-ELM on partnering organizations, educators, families, and communities as well as recommendations for further implementation and sustainability.
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