About this resource library

From professional development materials for teachers to research reports for policymakers, EDC has produced hundreds of useful, innovative resources. This library contains a selection of some of our materials, including:

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  • Books
  • Curricula
  • Digital games
  • Reports/studies/white papers
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132 Resources found

This guide helps school districts choose the computer science (CS) curricula that best suit their communities’ needs.


This online toolkit provides specific guidance for applying SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework to the prevention of opioid misuse and overdoses.


In this briefing book, the leaders of the Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network (MassCAN) describe the goals, key accomplishments, and future directions of the partnership.


Math for All is a multimedia mathematics professional development resource for general and special education teachers.


Math for All is a multi-media mathematics professional development resource for general and special education teachers.


EDC’s media literacy toolbox includes activities, handouts, and curricular resources to support media literacy education in a variety of settings—classroom or afterschool program, low-tech or high-tech, children or teens.


Instructional strategies that facilitate access to language and participation in mathematical discussions are essential to promote equitable learning opportunities for multilingual learners in the


This report details the results of an impact study that was conducted to better understand the contributions of the Mindanao Youth Development (MYDev) project to improving skills and outcomes for o


EDC’s Ocean Track modules engage undergraduate students in rigorous investigations of data science and climate change.

Resource libraries

This resource library contains research, presentations, and white papers developed by EDC’s Oceans of Data Institute (ODI), which is dedicated to transforming education to help individuals succeed

White papers

This white paper draws upon the results of a survey of 850 career and technical education (CTE) educators nationwide, 11 interviews with CTE state leaders, and recent literature to provide a panora


This website contains information about the Out-of-School Youth Literacy Assessment (OLA), a reading assessment administered one-on-one to youth and adults that was developed by EDC.

White papers

This tip sheet explains the benefits of including participants and families in continuous quality improvement (CQI) processes and provides strategies for engaging them as partners.


The Possible Worlds website offers free digital games and instructional resources to help middle school science teachers address students’ persistent misconceptions.

Digital games

EDC developed four online games for middle school science students that address common misconceptions about photosynthesis, heredity, electricity, and heat transfer.