About this project library

EDC collaborates with public and private partners to create, deliver, and evaluate programs, services, and products in 22 countries around the world. This library contains profiles of our current work and initiatives.

92 Projects found
Our world is facing acute crises, including educational inequities, health disparities, and mental health and substance use epidemics. Every day, these crises are negatively impacting the learning...
To meet the growing demand for quality education, the world needs 44 million additional teachers by 2030, with 15 million of them in Sub-Saharan Africa alone. However, increasing the supply of...
International efforts to promote literacy development for young adult readers are improving outcomes for many out-of-school youth—particularly those living in extreme poverty or post-conflict...
English proficiency is a valued skill throughout Latin America, but many schools encounter significant obstacles to preparing fluent students. Barriers include low levels of English fluency among...
Ethiopia has made great improvements in the quality of and access to schooling over the past several years. These improvements address Early Grade Reading Assessment results from 2010 to 2014 which...
Computer science (CS) education is critical for all students to acquire the knowledge they will need for future careers in computer and IT-related fields, as well as build problem-solving skills they...
Many young people who become involved in the justice system have faced systemic barriers to educational opportunities and encountered forces that push them out of school. Educational programs inside...
An estimated two-thirds of projected new STEM jobs are in computing. Yet high schools are ill-equipped to prepare students for these jobs. Further, women and students of color remain underrepresented...
Traditional approaches to education have done too little to address long-standing inequities in achievement and success after high school. Increasingly, district leaders and educators are attempting...
Students with disabilities—and students from low-income communities and low-performing schools—may limit their plans for higher education and career goals if they see their potential only through the...
Students who are multilingual learners—also called English learners (ELs) in U.S. schools—can thrive in mathematics class. Yet recent National Assessment of Educational Progress data suggest that too...
The first 10 years of a child’s life are a critical developmental period that impacts all that follows. During these years, opportunity and achievement gaps begin early for the millions of U.S...
With the global economy changing so quickly, high schools must become responsive places where students engage in real-world problem solving and learn to think flexibly, strategically, and...
Although computer science (CS) has grown to be increasingly relevant in society, the field has remained largely as White male as it was 40 years ago. How can we ensure that the next generation of...
Almost all Haitian students have experienced disruptions to education in recent years due to natural disasters, political unrest, and the COVID-19 pandemic, which have compounded the challenges of...