question of format and style

From: Ron Stoloff (rstoloff@MAIL.PHILA.K12.PA.US)
Date: Thu Dec 17 1998 - 17:40:23 EST

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: Ron Stoloff <rstoloff@MAIL.PHILA.K12.PA.US>
Subject: question of format and style

Folks, I have a question about the 'best' way to present links.

Should I just have a description of the site such as King Kong's Love Life
or have King Kong's Love Life

Is the description enough or should I give them the URL as well?

I clutter an issue or is it a good idea to give the folks double info?

Ron Stoloff

If the gods had intended man to fly they wouldn't have given us railroads.

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