Re: question of format and style

From: Ron Stoloff (rstoloff@MAIL.PHILA.K12.PA.US)
Date: Mon Dec 21 1998 - 17:37:10 EST

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: Ron Stoloff <rstoloff@MAIL.PHILA.K12.PA.US>
Subject: Re: question of format and style

At 09:36 AM 12/21/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>Style for links depends on the purpose of the document. If the document is
>an annotated bibliography on the web, we give the title (linked), followed
>by the annotation. On a line below the annotation, we print out the URL.
>That way anyone can print off the bibliography and have a printed copy of
>every URL - and photocopy it for others or use it from any computer at any
>time. Of course, if the person knows how to save and reopen HTML files,
>saving the annotated bib with the linked references will get them to the
>web sites faster.
>If the document is a narrative, we do not give the URL in the body of the
>text. We use descriptive language to let people know what the link is and
>where the link takes them.
>A take-off on the style for narratives is a tour. We've done tours of
>topics, linked the areas of the tour and saved the URLs for the bottom
>where we've printed them. This also helps people to use the tour from
>other machines or in other ways.
>This is a good time to mention that we have a style guide in the Lesson
>Toolkit of the Learning Page at
>For those Fellows who have had the opportunity to test their lesson and are
>thinking about how to write it for others to view on the web, this is the
>place to get a head start on all those style questions.
>As I said at the institute, solid lessons are what will best help other
>teachers learn about American Memory. We want the technology "bent" to
>the needs of the lesson. That said, we need to present the lesson on the
>web so that those teachers who did not have the benefit of Library staff
>and facilitators at their elbows will be able to take your lessons,
>understand them, use and adapt them to their individual needs.
>As you approach the point where you want to look at how to present your
>lesson on the web, please, please, please ask me questions. Don't wait
>until you've got the lesson written just the way you want it. This is a
>process - complete with feedback and rewriting cycles as in process
>writing. This is a very special opportunity for us to explore how the
>technology can best serve your needs. I look forward to working with
>everyone as you enter this phase of lesson preparation.
>Happy holidays to everyone,
>Judy, m.h.
>At 05:40 PM 12/17/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>Folks, I have a question about the 'best' way to present links.
>>Should I just have a description of the site such as King Kong's Love Life
>>or have King Kong's Love Life
>>Is the description enough or should I give them the URL as well?
>>I clutter an issue or is it a good idea to give the folks double info?

Oh, great! I *just* finished *changing* the links to just the

Oh, well. I have nothing else to do for the next 6 months!

Ron Stoloff

If the gods had intended man to fly they wouldn't have given us railroads.

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