Re: question of format and style

From: Judith K. Graves (
Date: Mon Dec 21 1998 - 09:36:10 EST

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: "Judith K. Graves" <jgrav@LOC.GOV>
Subject: Re: question of format and style

Hi everyone,
Style for links depends on the purpose of the document. If the document is
an annotated bibliography on the web, we give the title (linked), followed
by the annotation. On a line below the annotation, we print out the URL.
That way anyone can print off the bibliography and have a printed copy of
every URL - and photocopy it for others or use it from any computer at any
time. Of course, if the person knows how to save and reopen HTML files,
saving the annotated bib with the linked references will get them to the
web sites faster.

If the document is a narrative, we do not give the URL in the body of the
text. We use descriptive language to let people know what the link is and
where the link takes them.

A take-off on the style for narratives is a tour. We've done tours of
topics, linked the areas of the tour and saved the URLs for the bottom
where we've printed them. This also helps people to use the tour from
other machines or in other ways.

This is a good time to mention that we have a style guide in the Lesson
Toolkit of the Learning Page at

For those Fellows who have had the opportunity to test their lesson and are
thinking about how to write it for others to view on the web, this is the
place to get a head start on all those style questions.

As I said at the institute, solid lessons are what will best help other
teachers learn about American Memory. We want the technology "bent" to
the needs of the lesson. That said, we need to present the lesson on the
web so that those teachers who did not have the benefit of Library staff
and facilitators at their elbows will be able to take your lessons,
understand them, use and adapt them to their individual needs.

As you approach the point where you want to look at how to present your
lesson on the web, please, please, please ask me questions. Don't wait
until you've got the lesson written just the way you want it. This is a
process - complete with feedback and rewriting cycles as in process
writing. This is a very special opportunity for us to explore how the
technology can best serve your needs. I look forward to working with
everyone as you enter this phase of lesson preparation.

Happy holidays to everyone,
Judy, m.h.

At 05:40 PM 12/17/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Folks, I have a question about the 'best' way to present links.
>Should I just have a description of the site such as King Kong's Love Life
>or have King Kong's Love Life
>Is the description enough or should I give them the URL as well?
>I clutter an issue or is it a good idea to give the folks double info?
>Ron Stoloff
>If the gods had intended man to fly they wouldn't have given us railroads.
Judith K. Graves
Education Resources Specialist
National Digital Library Program
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C. 20540-1320
(V)202/707-2562 (F) 202/252-3173

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