Re: Impeachment Teaching?

From: Ron Stoloff (rstoloff@MAIL.PHILA.K12.PA.US)
Date: Thu Dec 17 1998 - 17:33:20 EST

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: Ron Stoloff <rstoloff@MAIL.PHILA.K12.PA.US>
Subject: Re: Impeachment Teaching?

At 06:00 AM 12/17/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear fellow Fellows,
>How or are you dealing with the impeachment situation in class? I'm very
>curious because I do a large unit on the Constitution with my fourth
>graders beginning in April and it looks like there may be a trial in the
>Senate a that point. My focus in the past has been on the document itself
>and how we can change it using the Civil Rights movement as an example.

I teach in a high school but I've been discussing the deal since the
beginning with my kids.

Today I had a *great* lesson.

We have the Wittle Channel 1 system and they discussed it, the bombing and
then offered a poll. I had a computer in the classroom and Internet access
so after some discussion we got on and posted our
responses - after discussion and vote.

There was space for a comment [just in the morning] and I had the kids
break up into groups, compose a paragraph, write their paragraphs on the
board and we 'cut and pasted' to get one they all agreed to and posted it.

What a lesson!

Ron Stoloff

If the gods had intended man to fly they wouldn't have given us railroads.

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