Re: Bonnie and Bonnie's husband's Broadway show

From: Judith K. Graves (
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 09:12:31 EDT

  • Next message: Karen Needles: "Re: Greetings!"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: "Judith K. Graves" <jgrav@LOC.GOV>
    Subject: Re: Bonnie and Bonnie's husband's Broadway show

    At 08:12 PM 08/24/2000 -0400, you wrote:
    >Personal messages need to be sent to individual email addresses instead of
    >the total list-serve. Other wise the list-serve will fold because of the
    >mass of messages everyone will have to scan. This is not a spam, just
    >knowledge gained from a national Psych list-serve that I now receive. I
    >hope everyone has a great year. Go VOLS!!! Gary Padgett

    Hi Gary,
    Welcome to the list to you and all the other folks from North Carolina! We
    enjoyed having you here for your week in June. Unfortunately, there was no
    time to introduce you to our American Memory Fellows or tell you more about
    our American Memory Fellows Program, which is a bit different from the
    Adventure of the American Mind Program in North Carolina.

    American Memory Fellows use this list as their way to stay connected with
    each other and with Library announcements. It is a bit personal because
    Fellows - like the Adventure folk - have a unique experience in common,
    having participated in a special staff development program at the Library.
    Such an experience puts people on a first-name basis immediately, as you
    can tell from Howard's reference to the line dance one year to Bonnie's
    husband's joyful report on their first efforts to train others in what they
    discovered here.

    It is also colleagial and focused, since we have come to the programs
    because of our professional work. The topics on this list pertain to
    Library announcements, great tidbits that we find on the web or elsewhere
    that help us in our work with primary sources, our leadership efforts, and
    our work in creating lessons with those sources. We also use this list to
    network and to ask for advice, help, to celebrate/commiserate when our
    lessons meet/don't meet our expectations, to learn from others' posts as
    they explore the use of American Memory, and to support each other when
    technology questions arise.

    None of us have time to waste on frivilous email. Because this is a closed
    list, consisting primarily of Fellows, Adventure participants, and LC
    staff, we self-moderate the list. It's our experience that Fellows
    contribute to the list those things that focus on the topics and uses
    above, and have separate conversations with each other when they wish to
    become more personal. (It's also a common practice on listservs for
    participants to ask for help on certain things with responses to be given
    off-list. The recipient then posts a summary for the benefit of all list
    members. We haven't done that here, but it might be useful to consider.)

    It's also our experience that being a Fellow or Adventure participant is
    exciting - and that excitement spills over into the list from time to time.
     That said, let me indulge:

    Thanks to everyone for your evaluations, email messages, and cards. They
    were shared all around with staff and curators. Next year's Fellows and
    Adventure participants will benefit from your thoughtful responses.

    And Bonnie's Husband (Mike, to everyone else) - well done! Getting the
    word out at the beginning of school is a great way to start the year, for
    yourselves, your colleagues, and for American Memory. Don't forget to
    enter your exploits in our Leadership form on the Fellows' web site. Your
    tips and tricks will be used by others, I'm sure.

    Don't forget to put NCSS 2000 in San Antonio on your calendars. We'll be
    exhibiting there and Dr. Billington is the featured speaker. We'll plan a
    get together most definitely.

    To all the folks that I've been corresponding with on lessons, please
    accept my apologies for not being timely in responding. We've built
    several web sites, online orientation sites for both Adventure participants
    and Fellows, and run three weeks of training this summer. I will return to
    getting those lessons up very, very soon.

    Have a great year everyone,
    Judy, m.h.
    ps- I had a great time in Maine. Thanks for asking.
    Judith K. Graves
    Educational Services
    National Digital Library Program
    Library of Congress
    101 Independence Avenue, S.E.
    Washington, D.C. 20540-1320 (V)202/707-2562 (F) 202/252-3173

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