Newbie messages

From: Leni Donlan (donlan@INTERNET-CATALYST.ORG)
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 09:28:56 EDT

  • Next message: Kim Penrod: "Re: Newbie messages"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: Leni Donlan <donlan@INTERNET-CATALYST.ORG>
    Subject: Newbie messages

    Dear Fellows,

    Thanks again, for making time at this VERY busy point in the school
    year to send your thoughts our way. The Grafitti page is now being
    designed and I am looking forward to posting all your responses!

    Calling on ALL1997, 1998, and 1999 Fellows...keep those notes coming,
    please :-)

    Warm Regards,

    Class of '97
    1. If I could do it again...
    What do YOU know now that you wish you had known "then"? If you
    relived your Fellows experience, what would you choose to do

    2. Tales from the Institute....
    What will you always remember (poignant, moving, silly, embarrassing,
    hysterically funny...FESS UP!) Let's help break the ice for the new
    inductees by sharing snippets of our memories!

    3. Wishes for success....
    Heartfelt wishes to cheer, instill confidence and buoy spirits can go
    a loooooong way! I'm sure you remember that feeling of, "What has
    insignificant me gotten myself into???"

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