Re: insulting ads

From: Carolyn Karis (ckari@URBANSCHOOL.ORG)
Date: Tue Jul 13 1999 - 12:36:06 EDT

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: Carolyn Karis <ckari@URBANSCHOOL.ORG>
Subject: Re: insulting ads

Dear all,
I had a similar experience but not with Excite.

The problem seems to be with search word choices and being careful about the
choice of .com vs .org and .gov

It's important to include the correct domain ending. Some browsers will
automatically assign the .com to the URL search and so create problems.

Our students had located a great map on the site. When another
student wanted to relocate that site he typed in www.usgs (without the .gov)
and got a porno site. Seems that porno web people tend to co-opt the great
sites like White House and USGS and turn them from a .gov site to a porno
.com site.

All of this points to the need for teachers to teach search techniques.
Carolyn Karis writes:
>I'm a teacher who uses Excite as the homepage on computers in my
>school classroom in Edison/Fareira High School in Philadelphia and
>I'm also the Technology Coordinator.
>I was shocked to find that when I was looking to see if our search
>engine could find my web page on oral history
>I used +oral +stoloff and they next thing I notice is a series of banner
>adds for Playboy and such - offering various materials that would be
>inappropriate for my students.
>You criteria for selection of adds in response to searches needs
>considerable work.
>Because of this, I will no longer be able to use Excite as my home
>page and will see that no one in my school or anyone else I can reach
>does the same.
>Ron Stoloff,
>Technology Coordinator
>Edison/Fareia High School
>151 W Luzerne St.
>Phila., PA 19140

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