Re(2): Best practices

From: Kathleen Prody (kprody@METNET.MT.GOV)
Date: Thu Apr 01 1999 - 13:36:43 EST

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: Kathleen Prody <kprody@METNET.MT.GOV>
Subject: Re(2): Best practices

It sounds like many of us are facing the same problems when it comes to students ability to access
questionable material on the web. This year our district tried to control the problem with a filtering
program. It only lasted a few months because we discovered that the program filtered many valuable sites as
well as questionable sites.

We are now requiring each student to have signed permission to use the web. The permission slip needs to be
signed only once for the year, and as long as the student complies with the agreement he or she has web
access. Some of our rules include: no student email, students may not create, maintain, or access their own
web pages from school, students may not access chat rooms of any kind, student use is restricted to sites
which support the curriculum.

Each time the student clicks into the internet the first thing he or she sees is a copy of our acceptable use
policy. Failure to comply with the policy will result in internet use being pulled. It involves a lot of
paperwork, but students think before they click.

 Our district is very weary about what students can access and we have found that we must be proactive if we
do not want the school board to create restrictive policies regarding the internet.

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