In collaboration with education and industry partners across Latin America and the Caribbean, EDC creates basic education and workforce development programs that are relevant and tailored to respond to community needs.

Our basic education programs use interactive audio instruction—a concept we pioneered—to reach learners in settings that are both remote and lacking in necessary resources. Our workforce development programs prepare young people for available market opportunities, and we design and implement evidence-based interventions to offer young people a new, more positive course.


Here are a few of our resources on Latin America and the Caribbean. To see more, visit our Resources section.

In this publication, EDC celebrates the accomplishments of the USAID Honduras Reading Activity.

Fact sheets

Through WRN Workplace, work-based learning is integrated into EDC’s Work Ready Now program to make learning come alive outside of the classroom.

Fact sheets

EDC’s Work Ready Now (WRN) delivers effective work readiness preparation to youth around the world. Based on international standards, WRN helps young people in emerging economies develop the soft skills and work readiness skills needed to succeed in earning a living.


EDC’s Skills and Knowledge for Youth Employment (SKYE) project in Guyana administered a coaching survey to more than 300 project training graduates. The purposes of the survey were to assess how helpful the coaches were for youth and which aspects of the coaching were most useful for youth when looking for a job, entering the workforce, or starting their own business.

White papers

This article explores the effects of EDC’s Tikichuela early childhood mathematics initiative, developed with the government of Paraguay.


Technology has proven to be one of the missing links in order to guarantee educational and workforce improvement in developing countries.

White papers

This case study is one of the Sustainable Finance Initiative’s seven rapid country case studies studying the state of school meals programs.


This website contains information about the Out-of-School Youth Literacy Assessment (OLA), a reading assessment administered one-on-one to youth and adults that was developed by EDC.


This Employability Study was conducted in Honduras to better understand the characteristics of those youth that are receiving the Career Readiness Certification (CRC) and to what extent youth have

Fact sheets

Overview of EDC's higher education institution experience providing market-relevant job skills for youth, resulting in successful entry points into the world of work.