New stars are born as we speak....

From: Susan Veccia (
Date: Wed May 02 2001 - 18:37:17 EDT

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    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: Susan Veccia <svec@LOC.GOV>
    Subject: New stars are born as we speak....

    Take a bow, Barbara Markham and Robert Gabrick!

    You all remember when as parents and teachers, we are accused of having
    eyes in the back of our heads. Well, here at LC we have not only
    weird-looking heads, but spies in the field. Yes, it is true!

    We have heard back from David Vigilante and Arnold Pulda that Barbara and
    Robert were OUTSTANDING at the recent OAH meeting in LA last week. They
    both said that Barbara and Robert virtually had to be pushed out of the
    room by the hotel clean-up crew because there were so many people wanting
    to talk more and more and more! Not only did they have "lingering guests",
    but they drew a large crowd in spite of tough competition from over 15
    concurrent sessions and a tour bus to the Getty Museum!

    So, "Thank you, Thank you!" to Barbara and Robert and also to all of you
    out there who continue to do great things that we don't always know about.

    David also notes that the OAH meets at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington,
    DC, April 11-14, 2002. He says it is too late to submit a program for the
    general conference but there is still time to get on the Focus on Teaching
    program. Perhaps we can get more information on this from the OAH website...

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