Can you share widely?

From: Leni Donlan (ldonlan@HOME.COM)
Date: Fri Dec 22 2000 - 07:19:30 EST

  • Next message: bill tally: "Re: Digital Archive Project Article"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: Leni Donlan <ldonlan@HOME.COM>
    Subject: Can you share widely?

    Dear Fellows,

    My colleague, Danna Bell-Russell, circulated this announcement far
    and wide yesterday. You may have seen it on some of the listservs to
    which you subscribe. You may also know of other lists with which you
    might share this and/or might want to share it with your colleagues,
    locally. Thank you for helping us to "get the word out" and make
    educators aware of the Learning Page!

    Best wishes for a wonderful holiday break to one and all...


    The Learning Page Announces a Redesign!

    What is the Learning Page? It is a Website, created to help educators
    use the American Memory collections' <>,
    primary source materials...such as George Washington's letters, Walt
    Whitman's journals, historic documents like the Gettysburg address,
    civil war maps and photographs, recordings of folk music, some of the
    earliest motion pictures, and much MUCH MORE!!!!

    The Learning Page consists of eight sections:

    "New" will keep you up to date as we add new resources for your use!

    "Orientation" explains what the American Memory collections are;
    provides help with finding items in the collections; and offers FAQs
    and a site map to help you find your way around the Learning Pages.

    "Features" brings together items from across the American Memory
    collections to investigate timely themes such as Elections, and

    "Collections" gives in depth information about individual American
    Memory collections as well as suggested activities and strategies for
    using the collections to develop critical thinking skills.

    "Activities" provides an engaging introduction to the American Memory
    collections through activities that can be used independently or
    through the direction of the teacher.

    "Educators" offers a variety of professional development and outreach
    programs including the American Memory Fellows Program; workshops and
    presentations offered in Washington D.C. and through distance
    education; and information about the Library's participation in
    national and regional conferences.

    "Lessons" shares teacher-created and classroom-tested lessons which
    span curricular themes and multiple grade levels.

    "Resources" serves up tips and tricks for accessing, printing and
    saving resources from the American Memory collections; how to cite
    sources and understand copyright; how to order reproductions; and
    links to additional, high quality internet resources for classroom

    The Learning Page is for students, educators and life-long learners
    of all ages! We hope you enjoy the new look, new navigation, new
    organization and new content! A new Inaugurations Feature is on the


    Please direct any questions to

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Fri Dec 22 2000 - 07:10:10 EST