Various and Sundry

From: Claire M. Griffin (cgriffin@LAVA.NET)
Date: Wed Dec 13 2000 - 23:22:16 EST

  • Next message: Jennifer Schwelik: "Re: Various and Sundry"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: "Claire M. Griffin" <cgriffin@LAVA.NET>
    Subject: Various and Sundry

    This is a three-part missive: a response; a suggestion; and a question.

    A. Response
        Pat, I=B9ve checked with our hula teacher and she will be giving me a cop=
    of a chant about Madam Pele. I may even be able to make an audio tape of
    our students singing it for you.
    B. Suggestion
        Two more ways to incorporate American Memory in your classes.
        1.) 1920=B9s: To create interest during a lecture/discussion about the
    20=B9s, I made up a note-taking guide which I then illustrated with photos of
    the 20=B9s. It only took me about 30 min. to find photos of Coolidge,
    Harding, Duke Ellington, a flapper, the Model T, a Klan cross-burning; etc.
        2.) 1930=B9s: I=B9m doing 3 activities related to the collection. A.) A
    15-slide Powerpoint show to highlight a section of the text on the causes o=
    the Depression. Again, it only took me about 30 min. to find pictures of
    the Dust Bowl, Dorothea Lange, etc. B.) An assignment over break in which
    students interview a family member who lived through the Depression; and C.=
    After break, students will complete a shortened version of the Depression
    lesson on the LOC website. This lesson, which incorporates text and
    graphics, is outstanding. Kudos to its authors, Marilyn Swan and Elaine
    C. Question
        Bonnie and Mike Goldberg, AMF 2000 from California, are on vacation in
    Hawaii and stopped by today for a 2 hour tour of Sacred Hearts Academy.
    They had the opportunity to see students and teachers working with
    technology, and Cathy Matsuno and I had the opportunity to "talk story"
    about our year thusfar. So, I have a question for all of you (actually
    three questions):

    1.) What is the temperature right now where you live?
    2.) What is the temperature right now where I live?
    3.) Wouldn=B9t you, too,like to do some professional development in Paradise=

    A hui hou and Mele Kalikimaka (until later and Merry Christmas),

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