NCSS Success!

From: Claire M. Griffin (cgriffin@LAVA.NET)
Date: Sat Nov 25 2000 - 16:56:31 EST

  • Next message: Judith K. Graves: "Ca. book on Japanese immigrant"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: "Claire M. Griffin" <cgriffin@LAVA.NET>
    Subject: NCSS Success!

    All American Memory Fellows should be proud of our representation at the
    NCSS Convention last weekend in San Antonio. I know that many of you were
    there, but here are a few highlights for those who couldn't make it:

    1.) The booth (with its classical columns and prime location) always had
    people stopping by and asking questions about American Memory. The LOC
    staff (Linda, Judy, Karen, and others) was eager and anxious to show of the
    collections' treasures, and some of us were able to share Teacher Success
    Stories with passers-by. We were all eager proselytizers.

    2.) Several sessions either focused on American Memory or included American
    Memory as one of the prime resources for teaching a particular unit or

    3.) A number of sessions which I attended briefly mentioned American
    Memory, but usually with a disclaimer about the size of the collection and
    the challenge in effectively searching it. As AM Fellows, we really need to
    get the word out so that teachers can get over this hurdle and begin using
    the collection.

    4.) Finally, the keynote address by Dr. Billington was attended by over 600
    people. He talked a great deal about American Memory and about the cadre of
    teachers who, as American Memory Fellows, are working to integrate the
    curriculum into their teaching. Each of you would have felt so inspired and
    motivate to hear him talking about YOU!

    I hope you all are enjoying a well-deserved Thanksgiving break as we wait in
    eager anticipation for the election of our next President. (Won't that
    topic make an exciting American Memory Collection in years to come?!)

    Aloha, Claire

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