NCSS next yr&LOC and science!

From: Gail G. Petri (gpetri@RHNET.ORG)
Date: Mon Oct 23 2000 - 14:35:18 EDT

  • Next message: Nelson, Dora: "Re: NCSS next yr&LOC and science!"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: "Gail G. Petri" <gpetri@RHNET.ORG>
    Subject: NCSS next yr&LOC and science!
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- writes:
    >I would to know when and where the conference will be next year so I
    >could plan on it.

    Absolutely - I would love to go to the conference, but nothing about it
    has ever come across my desk. I went to the National Science Conference
    last April and that was wonderful! In fact, as a result of that, Doris
    Waud and I are presenting at the New York State Science Conference
    (STANYS) early in November (about Classroom Feeder Watch - an online/real
    life bird watching program sponsored by Cornell U.)

    Another note and maybe an idea: My husband is a high school
    biology/horticulture/environmental science teacher and he was very
    impressed with the LOC collections having to do with the environment and
    conservation -

    American Environmental Photographs -
    American Landscape and Architectural Design -
    Evolution of the Conservation Movement -

    Now I have a mission to print out and laminate lots of those photos for
    him to use with his class! Has anyone ever done or thought about doing a
    workshop focusing on how science teachers might integrate LOC collections
    into their teaching? Any other ideas re science?
                                            Gail Petri

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