NCSS Fellows Panel/Blind Date?

From: Leni Donlan (ldonlan@HOME.COM)
Date: Fri Oct 20 2000 - 07:54:54 EDT

  • Next message: Judith K. Graves: "Re: NCSS"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: Leni Donlan <ldonlan@HOME.COM>
    Subject: NCSS Fellows Panel/Blind Date?

    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks, Cynthia!

    NCSS is going to be great! Judy, Susan, John, Karen, Linda and I
    will all be there. We can't wait to see those of you who will also be
    attending. I'm collecting "student work samples" from Fellows who are
    not attending so I can represent YOU, too. Send them my way...

    New thought...
    How about a Fellows' Panel??? We can have some fun with this while
    still getting our point across (that AM Fellowship is an amazing
    professional growth experience that enhances our role as educational
    leaders in myriad ways). I'll be happy to moderate (provide "leading
    questions" and one provide the personal anecdotes that
    will have them rolling in the aisles. Perhaps we can call this little
    presentation, "Fellows Follies"? :-)

    This does not replace any of the sharing you have already arranged,
    or are arranging with Karen. This is an additional piece that could
    be a great deal of fun! Think about it...

    I'm also looking forward to the great dinner "Blind Date"...thinking
    of this as an opportunity to meet the Fellows that were not in MY
    class! It looks like the "dinner night" will probably be Friday.
    Check your calendars...

    We will have to plan for a Fellows Reunion more seriously, next year.
    Perhaps we can designate a specific conference as our place to meet?
    Let's think about this...



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