From: William Fernekes (Wferneke@HCRHS.K12.NJ.US)
Date: Fri Oct 13 2000 - 10:23:39 EDT

  • Next message: Claire M. Griffin: "Re: NCSS"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: William Fernekes <Wferneke@HCRHS.K12.NJ.US>
    Subject: Re: NCSS


    Hi, Leni. I will be at NCSS and would help out with a booth presentation =
    if my schedule permits. Let me know what times are available and I'll see =
    if I can help out.

    You're doing a great job-keep up the fine work and send my regards to =
    Susan Veccia and Judy Graves.

    Bill Fernekes
    Class of '97

    >>> ldonlan@HOME.COM 10/13/00 09:56AM >>>
    Hello All,

    Library Staff have begun to prepare for the NCSS conference. We have
    a new "booth" and a wonderful audience of Social Studies educators to
    try it "on"!

    We know the impact of "voices from the trenches" and so, hope that
    those of you who are attending NCSS will be willing to join us in the
    Library's booth. If you are attending the conference, and are willing
    to do so, we would like to actually schedule you for a "booth"
    presentation. We will have presentations going on throughout the
    conference on various topics. Your sharing would be marvelous! You
    might choose to tell of a student project (and bring student work to
    support your tale of success!), to talk about your Fellow's Project,
    to share a professional development technique you have used with
    staff members in your district, etc..

    If you are not attending NCSS, you can still share your
    "wonderfulness". I received a package from Claire Griffin (Hawaii,
    Class of '00) yesterday. She sent a packet of "I Am" poems created by
    her students (not a long term, but a two day project), using the AM
    collections as their resource. These are to "DIE" for. Seeing them
    will help other teachers realize that they can USE the collections in
    viable ways. If you have student work from projects you have done
    (and if you and those students are willing to part with some of
    it)..we would love to display such work at NCSS (and future
    conferences!). Think about it....

    We'll talk more about this...


    Class of '97

    Leni Donlan

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