...and don't let 'em call you "Newbies," either

From: Doctrgus (doctrgus@MASSED.NET)
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 16:21:17 EDT

  • Next message: Jan Wood: "Re: More for the Newbies!"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: Doctrgus <doctrgus@MASSED.NET>
    Subject: ...and don't let 'em call you "Newbies," either

    My advice, free and exactly worth the price:

    1. Females: don't take offense if they call you "Fellows."
    2. Males: stay away from that line-dancing stuff.
    3. Everyone: no Ethiopian food.
    4. Make sure your administration knows that you're part of this LOC
    program; for once, don't hesitate to toot your own horn in this regard.
    5. Focus on making a good start to a good lesson design in which you're
    using material that interests you and will interest your students. Leave DC
    with a good structure in place, and take care of the rest during the school

    Arnold Pulda

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