Re: tips for Newbies

From: Joyce Valenza (jvalenza@MCIU.ORG)
Date: Sun May 07 2000 - 19:33:11 EDT

  • Next message: Chad C. Fairey: "Re: tips for Newbies"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: Joyce Valenza <jvalenza@MCIU.ORG>
    Subject: Re: tips for Newbies

    I echo the advice of my friends and colleagues, and many have become good

    If I were to do it again, I'd think way smaller for two reasons.
    One--you'll be able to focus and refine more easily.
    Two--as I am seeing in my work with teachers, I am more often looking for
    great one-or two-period lessons, than I am full-blown units. You will do
    so many teachers and librarians a big favor by preparing truly solid, doable
    and not necessarily awe-inspiring, products.

    Have a wonderful time!

    Joyce Kasman Valenza, Librarian Springfield Township High School
    American Memory Fellow: Milken National Educator 97/98
    Phone: (215) 233-6058 Fax: (215) 836-5237
    Philadelphia Inquirer tech.k12

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