Re: presenting AM with students

From: Ron Stoloff (rstoloff@PHILA.K12.PA.US)
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 17:30:34 EST

  • Next message: Judith K. Graves: "NEH New Media Classroom Institute: Comparative Diasporas"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: Ron Stoloff <rstoloff@PHILA.K12.PA.US>
    Subject: Re: presenting AM with students


    I'm one of your '98'ers and Evelyn Bender and I have been doing lots of dog
    and pony shows with great success.

    The success is always greatest, however, when we can drag some of our kids
    to tell the listeners how much they learned about their families and have
    actually gotten closer to them in the process of doing the oral histories.

    We'll be adding about 55 new ones this year to the 28 we did last.

    At 01:54 PM 3/20/2000 -0800, you wrote:
    >Deborah Samak=E9 and I (98 fellows) asked kids to join us for our=
    >of The Grandparent Project at CAIS (California Association of Independent
    >Schools). The kids were great and the teachers/administrators in attendance
    >were greatly impressed by the students. The students explained how they=
    >selected their research topics from their interviews and did a shortened
    >version of the oral presentation with visual which they had done as part of
    >the 20th Century History Course. We also brought some of the visuals and
    >papers done by other students. The students present helped to explain these
    >and answered questions from the audience. We had about 75 people in
    >attendance and the kids handled themselves very well. They also told us=
    >enjoyed gaining some insight into what teachers do at conferences.
    >I would second Monica's enthusiasm for this type of collaboration and
    >presentation. After the class work, our kids demonstrated the=
    >and knowledge that we said were our projects goals. They also added some=
    >Carolyn Karis
    >Herbst Library
    >Urban School of San Francisco
    >1563 Page Street
    >San Francisco, CA 94117
    > writes:
    >>---------------------- Information from the mail header
    >>Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
    >>Poster: "Monica R. Edinger" <edinger@DALTON.ORG>
    >>Subject: presenting AM with students
    >>Has anyone else done conference or workshop presentations of American
    >>Memory with students? I decided to give it a try last week at the
    >>National Council of Teachers of English Spring Conference this past
    >>Thursday and was really pleased with the results. If you enjoy
    >>presenting, can do so without getting too anxious (and, thus, making the
    >>kids anxious), and are flexible I recommend it as a different way to get
    >>the word out about American Memory. What follows is how I went about
    >>doing this for anyone interested.
    >>My main point though is that is that I urge everyone presenting this stuff
    >>to get the actual kids in to your presentations as much as you can. If
    >>you can't bring the kids then bring their work, videotape of them work,
    >>whatever helps people see the site USED by kids.
    >>So, has anyone else tried something similar?
    >>Monica Edinger
    >>The Dalton School
    >>New York

    Ron Stoloff

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