amfellows archive

From: Elizabeth L. Brown (
Date: Fri Jul 09 1999 - 09:24:16 EDT

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: "Elizabeth L. Brown" <ebro@LOC.GOV>
Subject: amfellows archive

Since Monica asked, others probably want to know how you can get the server
to let you read messages you missed or deleted.

Listserv archives are not terribly sophisticated indexing systems. All the
messages from a month are packaged together into a single ascii file. When
you send the "index amfellows" command, to <>, you get
a list of these files from September 1997 to the current month. (You could
actually skip this step, because the file naming convention is shown
below.) To have a whole month's correspondence mailed to you in one email
message, send a message to <>. Leave your signature
and subject line blank. In the body of the message, type:


... where "yy" is the year and "mm" is the month. For example, for what's
gone by so far this month, send the command:


To see how far we've all come since our first month of listserv discussion,
send the command:





   Elizabeth L. Brown, Reference Librarian, etc.
   National Digital Library Program, LIBN/NDL/VC(1330)
   Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540-1330 telephone: 202/707-2235

   Library of Congress American Memory Home Page:

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