Racism and the U.S.

From: doctrgus (doctrgus@MASSED.NET)
Date: Sun May 02 1999 - 13:22:32 EDT

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: doctrgus <doctrgus@MASSED.NET>
Subject: Racism and the U.S.


You'll have to excuse me, but somehow I don't think this list is the right place to
discuss the merits of what's going on in Kosovo, whether or not the United States
pursues racist policies, or anything of the type.

> There has always been that feeling that the US - and Europe - only freaks out
> when white folk are getting it.

That's a very strong statement. Some of your other pronouncements -- about
publicity, about Somalia and West Africa -- are equally as forceful. I don't
happen to agree with you. But is this the place to discuss these things? I value
this list for the many things I've learned about using the LoC resources in the
classroom, but I don't look here for debates about events that are current here or
abroad. There are *many* listservs and other places, both on and off line, where
one's opinions on these matters are welcome. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Arnold Pulda

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