Re: lesson plan name

From: BTally (BTally@EDC.ORG)
Date: Tue Mar 30 1999 - 12:55:40 EST

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: BTally <BTally@EDC.ORG>
Subject: Re: lesson plan name


The name of your lesson is: Immigration/Migration Today and During the Great

If you -- or anyone else -- wants to see the latest posted version of your
lesson, just go to CCT's AMF website ( and click on
'lesson plans.'

Now about updating your lesson: I think the snag in your procedure is giving
people the actual url name of each draft -- which changes, of course, every time
you post a revision. Better to give people the CCT website url above, and have
them browse for your lesson from the list of titles and authors.

One other note -- I assume that when you post a new version of your lesson,
you're choosing to 'Add / Update your HOMEPAGE.' If you choose to 'Add / Update
Additional Files', they won't appear unless you link to them from your existing

Let me know if this helps, or not!

Best, Bill Tally
Subject: lesson plan name
From: American Memory Fellows <> at Internet
Date: 3/29/99 5:55 PM


I've discovered a problem in the way I've been sending up the revised
versions of our lesson plan: I've used the date of the version.

The problem seems to be when I give the address to someone and then upload
a revision, they can't get it because the old one/name is no longer there.

Like this:

31599 then 4199

I gues I should be using the same name every time - except I can't remember
the *origanal* name!

Anyone care to help me with this?

Ron Stoloff

If the gods had intended Man to fly, they wouldn't have given us railroads!

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