Re: New AM Homepage

From: Michael Federspiel (federspm@MINDNET.ORG)
Date: Sat Feb 06 1999 - 19:52:19 EST

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: Michael Federspiel <federspm@MINDNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: New AM Homepage

Hi Folks!

Checking in on the conversation about the new American Memory Homepage.

Friday I returned to our computer lab with a class which had visited it
several times first semester. I asked them to take a moment and look at
the new homepage and to give me their reactions. Overall, their
reactions mirrored what Carolyn and Mel have said. Specifically, they
liked how the fuller descriptions helped guide them and wanted to know
how to get to them. The prominence of the search option confused some
who really are more comfortable with topics instead. Since we were
using the FSA photographs, some wanted to search only for photographs
(multiple and single collections) and had a hard time figuring out how
to do it. They too thought it "weird" to have to click past the first
colorful page. Please take their comments for what they're worth and
keep in mind that they were sophomores on a Friday afternoon.... (They
rarely have much praise left by that point in the week!)

Personally, I too liked the old format but that could well be because I
was so familiar with it. I still have not worked enough with the new
one to know whether I'll come to like it or find it more useful. It may
prove to be better for me, but not quite as friendly for a first timer
(?). I guess that's the balance you web designers must achieve --
perfect for both types of users.

Mike Federspiel
'97 Fellow

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