9th graders' oral histories found

From: Elizabeth L. Brown (ebro@loc.gov)
Date: Mon Nov 02 1998 - 18:00:28 EST

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: "Elizabeth L. Brown" <ebro@LOC.GOV>
Subject: 9th graders' oral histories found

Hi y'all,

I just stumbled on a pack of oral histories prepared by Washington State
9th graders and thought I'd share. The site and its projects are not
without flaws, but interesting, nonetheless.


These were done my Mrs. Riki Peto's class
<http://users.owt.com/rpeto/peto.html> at Pasco High School in arid
southeast Washington State. Some of her students' other projects are here

Personally I thought 9th graders were better writers, but I found the
interviews I read interesting and would bet that these kids learned much
more through the interview process than the writing exercise.

Are you wondering how did she get there? I followed a "junk mail" email
tip from "Needle in a CyberStack"
<http://home.revealed.net/albee/pages/SafeSurf.html>a site that lists safe
sites for kids. LC wasn't listeed, but a section called "Students did this
hotlist" looked interesting. Under "social studies"
<http://sln.fi.edu/tfi/hotlists/kid-hist.html> there's a list of links to
student projects in Social Studies.




   Elizabeth L. Brown, M.L.S.
   National Digital Library Program, LIBN/NDL/VC(1330)
   Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540-1300
   ebro@loc.gov telephone: 202/707-2235

   Library of Congress American Memory Home Page:

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