1999 AMF Institute
Optional Institute Technology Workshops

We will be offering Optional Technology Workshops just prior to the official start of the Institute on Sunday, July 18th. All three workshops will run from 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm. The Institute will begin officially at 3:30 pm. Please read the descriptions below, and register for a workshop if you feel you would benefit from attending.

Workshop A: The Basics: Windows and Netscape
Workshop B: Beyond the Basics: Power Point and the Web
Workshop C: Beyond the Basics: Templates for Web Presentations

Workshop Registration

Register here for a workshop by selecting your name in the pop-up menu, filling-in your password, and then clicking 'submit.' You can change your registration at any time by resubmitting this form. Please remember that if you sign up for a workshop you must arrange your travel so that you arrive in DC in time to begin at 12:00 noon on Sunday.

Which optional workshop do you want to attend? (select one)

Workshop A: The Basics: Windows and Netscape
Workshop B: Beyond the Basics: Power Point and the Web
Workshop C: Beyond the Basics: Templates for Web Presentations