
Joy Lorenzo Kennedy, a developmental psychologist and highly experienced researcher, advances knowledge of strategies to promote early language and literacy development, school readiness, and family engagement. Drawing on her expertise in mixed-methods developmental research—from measurement design and data collection to analysis and dissemination—she focuses on providing new insights into how early childhood programs can better serve children who are dual language learners or who are from low-income families.

Kennedy brings over 15 years of experience working with nonprofits to test the effectiveness of programs in improving child and caregiver outcomes. Currently, she conducts research on Ready To Learn, advances a project on the development of children’s computational literacy in urban preschools, and contributes to AHA! Island.

Before joining EDC, Kennedy conducted research in behavioral economics at New York University. She has published on the topics of parent engagement and school readiness, family engagement among Latino families, and data sharing.

Kennedy holds a PhD in Applied Psychology (Developmental Program) from New York University and an ScB (BS) degree in Psychology from Brown University.