About this project library

EDC collaborates with public and private partners to create, deliver, and evaluate programs, services, and products in 22 countries around the world. This library contains profiles of our current work and initiatives.

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138 Projects found
All children are primed to engage with and enjoy science from an early age. Yet young emergent multilingual learners (EMLs) from historically underserved communities often face systemic opportunity...
Passing Algebra 1 is an important milestone on the path to college and career readiness. Students who succeed in algebra are far more likely to graduate from high school on time and gain access to...
Literacy is a basic right that empowers individuals and benefits society. However, over 600 million children worldwide lack basic reading skills and do not have access to quality early grade reading...
The prevalence of elder mistreatment has consistently, and intractably, been estimated at 1 in 10 older adults. During the COVID-19 pandemic, one study documented an increase in this prevalence rate...
Nearly half of all U.S. children are exposed to at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE), such as abuse, neglect, incarceration of a family member, substance use in the home, divorce, or...
A decade removed from political conflict, Liberians are optimistic that peace and prosperity lie ahead. But the country’s two civil wars have left a gap in the education sector, resulting in a “lost...
Despite past and present efforts, the education system in Honduras still faces many challenges in terms of access, efficiency, and quality. However, current research suggests that improving reading...
Niger faces many challenges that threaten food and nutrition security and resilience. Farmers have little access to advances in agricultural practices and technologies to fight the effects of climate...
Development assistance has historically excluded marginalized and underrepresented groups around the globe. Without the engagement of authentic representatives in the design and implementation of...
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) adopted a policy of fee-free primary education during the 2019-2020 school year, enabling over 4.5 million children to join school. Nevertheless, over 7...
In Zambia, the Ministry of General Education began implementing the Primary Literacy Programme (PLP) in 2013 to serve students from pre-primary through grade 7 across the country. However, several...
The development of literacy skills through early experiences with books and stories is critically linked to children’s later success in learning to read. As Ghana strivesto increase national literacy...
In the Philippines, as many as 3 million youth aged 16–24 are not in school , are not gainfully employed, and have not finished college or postsecondary education. While the Philippine government has...
Nearly 40 percent of Rwanda’s population is between the ages of 14-35. Every year there are over 200,000 learners who enter upper secondary school and over 90,000 who enter technical and vocational...
Rwanda’s goal of building a technology-driven economy depends on the availability of a young, literate, and entrepreneurial workforce. But demand is currently outpacing supply as too many young...