IMPACT Centers

Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 15:50:16 EDT


If you are aware of an organization in the New England region that would be a
good candidate to become an IMPACT Center, please share this information.

The Center for the Enhancement of Science and Mathematics Education (CESAME) is
inviting applications from any public or private non-profit educational
organization in New England outside the Greater Boston area who wish to
establish a regional IMPACT Center to be supported by the IMPACT project. The
role of these regional centers is to assist school districts in selecting and
implementing exemplary standards-based science and mathematics curricula. Two
new centers will be selected this funding cycle.

To find out more about the IMPACT Project enter the CESAME web site
and click on "IMPACT."

IMPACT Centers
Any public or private non-profit organization, outside the Boston Area, that
provides educational services to multiple public school districts in the New
England region would be eligible to become an IMPACT Center. Colleges and
universities, regional collaboratives, museums and educational organizations are
likely candidates. There must be a strong record of current and past service to
the region, appropriate resources and key personnel with the skills and
background to support the proposed activities of IMPACT.

Criteria for funding
Each potential IMPACT Center
*has an established center [i.e., existing space, personnel and administrative
support, hardware and technology]
*has or will establish and staff and Curriculum Resource Center for Mathematics,
Science and Technology
*has an established record working with districts (regionally) in
mathematics/science/technology reform efforts (priority will be given to centers
who have been working with districts to implement standards-based curricula)
*has experience in providing professional development opportunities (or
brokering for such) in mathematics, science and technology, especially in using
exemplary, standards-based curricula
*has a strong plan for meeting the goals of an IMPACT Center (plan should
include how the IMPACT Center will support underserved districts).

Proposal Postmark Deadline: 30 November 1999 for April 2000 Awards

We have mailed RFP's to all organizations that have expressed an interest. If
you wish to receive a copy of the full RFP, please email Paul Hickman at

Thank you

Forwarded by Susan Carter

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