Diversity Symposium Reminder

From: Gae Broadwater (gbroadwater@gwmail.kysu.edu)
Date: Wed Apr 21 1999 - 08:54:03 EDT

The early registration deadline is approaching--May 7.

The 4th annual National Diversity Symposium is June
3, 4, and 5, 1999 in Louisville, Kentucky. The symposium
will teach tools and skills for addressing diversity issues
through dialogue and conversation, build stronger
networks and partnerships among people working
toward multiculturalism, and increase understand of
human rights and social justice.

National speakers include:
Loretta Ross, executive director of Center for Human Rights Education;
The Institute for Cultural Affairs, a non profit group committed to the release
of human potential; and
Serious Teens Acting Responsibly (S.T.A.R) from
around the country.

For more information about registration, contact NCFD
at 502-227-5904 or at 502-227-5904 or jharris@gwmail.kysu.edu.

Hotel reservations should be made with the Galt House -
1-800-626-1814. The special symposium rate is
available through May 3.


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