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Research & Evaluation

Return to Last Page To understand the impact telementoring has on its participants, staff at the Center for Children and Technology (CCT) collect information at different points throughout the program year from mentors, students, and teachers. Research tools used include:

Student Information & Attitudinal Survey
This is a questionnaire designed to look at the impact telementoring has on students' attitudes toward and perceptions of science. It is administered twice - once at the beginning of the project year and again at the end of the project year.

Mid-project Evaluation is a short on-line interview in which mentors, students, and Project Liaisons comment on how the project is progressing. These evaluations assist CCT staff in identifying successful aspects of the program as well as areas that need improvement or revision.

End of Project Evaluation
This is a short on-line interview that is administered at the end of the project year in which mentors, students, and project liaisons comment on how Telementoring has affected them and what mprovements they would make to the project.

Each year, the project writes a report for the National Science Foundation on project accomplishments and findings .