Re: Conferences?

From: Patricia Solfest (psolfest@ALTOONA.K12.WI.US)
Date: Tue May 15 2001 - 12:11:50 EDT

  • Next message: Tina M. Pounds: "Re: Conferences?"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@LISTSERV.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: Patricia Solfest <psolfest@ALTOONA.K12.WI.US>
    Subject: Re: Conferences?

    >---------------------- Information from the mail header
    >Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    >Poster: Leni Donlan <ldonlan@HOME.COM>
    >Subject: Re: Conferences?

    >Folks...please submit your conference presentations! Give me at
    >least a month if you can and anything up to a year out is fair game.
    >Leni Donlan
    >The Learning Page Team

    July 23-27, 2001. "Magic Carpet Ride: Utilizing Electronic Sources for
    Student Projects". A Cray Academy workshop for educators. This session
    will explore new, creative ways to incorporate electronic sources into your
    curriculum. Teach students how to use historical documents, including
    photos, video clips, and interviews, in their projects. Explore the
    fascinating world of digital resources including virtual museums,
    electronic field trips, and digital image collections to build content
    understanding and develop technology skills. The class will include a visit
    to an area museum and participation in an electronic field trip.
    Presenters: Patricia Solfest and Kimberly Wardean.

    The Cray Academy is a fourteen year partnership in the Chippewa Valley
    devoted to curriculum, instruction, and student achievement in math,
    science, and technology in K-12 educational systems. Identified in 1994 by
    the National Science Foundation as the "flagship" for staff development,
    the Academy involves extensive collaboration between the K-12 educational
    systems, and CESA 10, UW-Eau Claire, CVTC, and the business and industry of
    the Chippewa Valley.

    Graduate credit and Wisconsin equivalency clock hours are available.For
    more information contact Dr. Linda Cate Dunahee, Director, at or (715) 720-2039 or Kathy Tulman, Program
    Coordinator at or (715) 720-2034.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Tue May 15 2001 - 11:49:54 EDT