
From: Leni Donlan (ldonlan@HOME.COM)
Date: Fri Apr 06 2001 - 15:41:18 EDT

  • Next message: Leni Donlan: "It's late, but...."

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: Leni Donlan <ldonlan@HOME.COM>
    Subject: Conferences?

    Dear Fellow Fellows,

    As you may know, we have a section on The Learning Page through which
    we share information about the "Library's" presence at conferences.
    Learning Page visitors are commenting on the paucity of information
    in this section AND on the fact that it is all "past"...not upcoming!

    LOC staff member are presenting at fewer conferences, but we know
    that AMF Fellows (in increasing numbers) are sharing information
    about the Library of Congress at state and national conferences. We
    would love to share word of your events with the world!

    If you have upcoming (within the next year) presentations or
    workshops that we can share through The Learning Page, please let me
    know. We'll be happy to create a page for your event (with your
    collaboration, of course). We know you are "getting the word
    out"...please help us share when and where that's happening with our
    national audience!

    Looking forward to getting lots of new entries for the "Conference"
    section of the Learning Page...


    Class of '97

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