Don't OPEN Snow White attachment

From: Elizabeth L. Brown (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 11:37:32 EST

  • Next message: Elizabeth L. Brown: "List administrative change (for our protection)"

    ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: "Elizabeth L. Brown" <ebro@LOC.GOV>
    Subject: Don't OPEN Snow White attachment

    Fellows and Friends,

    From a quick glance, I can't tell if the Snow White message has a virus attached is or just a smutty Snow White Screen Saver for windows (.scr). My virus checker did not sound an alert, but it also missed the last virus (attachment was zipped_files.exe) and it took days to get my computer clean again (and I didn't use email until then). So I'm not taking the risk and I recommend that you not risk it, either.

    At any rate, please don't open the attachment. It's probably a good idea to just trash the message and its attached file: midgets.scr .

    If you DID open the attachment and got something other than a screen saver (like apparently nothing happened). Stop what you are doing and call your technical support desk immediately. Do not turn off your computer. Some of these viruses replicate themselves every time Windows is reopened, making things worse each time you re-boot.

    I'll see if I can find out how "" got to us, but I suspect he's a better hacker than I am and we will never know.

    A reminder, please don't send attachments to this list. Put text in the body of the message and offer to send files to folks individually.


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