Presidential Campaigns 1952-96 ($10 CD-ROM)

From: Elizabeth L. Brown (
Date: Wed Sep 06 2000 - 15:10:27 EDT

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    Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@SUN8.LOC.GOV>
    Poster: "Elizabeth L. Brown" <ebro@LOC.GOV>
    Subject: Presidential Campaigns 1952-96 ($10 CD-ROM)

    Fellows & Friends,

    It is not free, but for $10.00, some fellows and friends may be interested in this CD-ROM about recent presidential elections. The notice came to me from Mike. Kolakowski ( by way of a local Special Libraries Association (SLA) listserv. Mike says the offer is not limited to special librarians and that he'd love to see copies in the hands of educators.



    Annenberg/Pew Archive of Presidential Campaign Discourse

    Social Science Division of SLA is distributing a new CD-rom resource just in time for Campaign 2000: The Annenberg/Pew Archive of Presidential Discourse, a first-time compilation of presidential campaign history and rhetoric !

    The Archive contains transcripts of speeches, television ads, and debates of twelve U.S. Presidential campaigns, 1952 through 1996. It includes the spoken record of the two major party nominees with the exception of Barry Goldwater. Some third party candidate material is also included. Coverage begins September 1 of each election year and ends on election eve or day. Nomination acceptance speeches given in July or August preceding the election are also included. The material was gathered with permission and support of the candidates themselves or their families, presidential and university libraries, historical societies and other archives.

    The CD-rom includes search software to enable searches by words, phrases, subject, year, party, and genre. The instruction booklet includes a list of searchable subjects.

    The Annenberg/Pew Archive of Presidential Campaign Discourse is a project of the Annenberg School for Communication and the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. The Archive was funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Ford Foundation.

    This brand new research tool is available from Social Science Division through the courtesy of the Annenberg School for Communication and its dean, Kathleen Hall Jamieson. Dr. Jamieson's new book, Everything You Think You Know About Politics, and Why You're Wrong, was the subject of her lively luncheon talk for Social Science Division at SLA Conference 2000 in Philadelphia. The Archive CD-rom is a useful companion to Dr. Jamieson's book which was a Lexis/Nexis-funded gift from the Social Science Division to conference attendees.

    The Annenberg/Pew Archive of Presidential Campaign Discourse CD-Rom and guide booklet is available for a $10 contribution to the Social Science Division of Special Libraries Association. Send a check payable to Social Science Division, SLA to: Michael Kolakowski, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540-7470.

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