Re: so sorry!

From: Karen Billett (
Date: Tue Aug 17 1999 - 08:49:53 EDT

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: Karen Billett <kbil@LOC.GOV>
Subject: Re: so sorry!


Been there. I understand the embarassment. Good thing, it doesn't last
forever. I have forwarded your message to LaToya who can check on the
status of payments. However, I would not worry at this point.

Also, the inservice training that you and Sue are doing, and any other
presentations that you do, would you all please make sure that you all
notify me with date and maybe how many people that you all are coming in
contact with at each time. I prepare a presentation report on what the
fellows have done in terms of their out reach efforts.



At 06:02 PM 8/16/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Yes, I realize I sent my concerned message to all of you. I knew it the
>moment I received a message telling me I had sent a message to all 156 of
>you! I am so very sorry (and quite embarassed)....I'm sure you're not at
>all concerned about my dilemma...but I'm sure Karen will be!!
>Please accept my apology. I will make sure I never reply to a message again
>without double checking the address. However, since I have your eyes for
>the moment, just a note for the '99 Fellows. Sue and I conducted our first
>American Memory session at the Midwest Internet Institute two weeks ago.
>All participants were happy to hear about the collections and most
>importantly....about the learning page. Beginning tomorrow we will be
>inservicing the teachers in our building...I'm sure they'll all be as
>excited as we are!!
>Hope all is well....again I apologize.

Karen Myers Billett
Education Resource Specialist
National Digital Library Program
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C. 20540-1320

202/707-3847 (work)
202/252-3173 (fax)

Library of Congress American Memory Home Page

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