to the new guys

From: Ron Stoloff (rstoloff@MAIL.PHILA.K12.PA.US)
Date: Mon Jul 12 1999 - 12:19:51 EDT

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: Ron Stoloff <rstoloff@MAIL.PHILA.K12.PA.US>
Subject: to the new guys


I was one of the 50 fellas who had the great joy of being where you guys
are now.
I look back on that week as the greatest professional experience of my life.
While this might seem like a rather grand statement, I'm sure most of the
98 fellows can 2nd the motion and I'll bet you'll feel the same way.

About our creation:
It was supposed to be 1 lesson but it grew during the week and even more
during the year to where it is now so large its not a lesson plan, its a

Lesson in this: follow Joyce's recomendation - keep it small.

Not that there is anything *wrong* with our lesson, its just that we
created so much that no sane person could ever use all of it without
becoming *in*sane.

Have fun, and enjoy he Contra dance!

BTW: to see the result of what we did - the part that we were able to *do,*
see the site listed in my signature!

The kids were really changed and so was I by the entire experience: the
LOC, my kids and what we created!

Ron Stoloff

If the gods had intended Man to fly, they wouldn't have given us railroads.

{ Check out these web sites: }
{ }
{ New! }
{ Edison/Fareira's New Oral History Web site: }
{ }
( [NO WWW] }
{ }
{ In the Library of Congress, see: }
{ Immigration/Migration - under construction! }
{ }
{ For the Edison Cluster, see: }
{ - }
{ I'm responsible for the Population page! }
{ Need a place to get help with your computer? }
{ See this Computer Club Web Site: }
{ }

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