Re: More free webspace

From: Ron Stoloff (rstoloff@MAIL.PHILA.K12.PA.US)
Date: Mon Feb 15 1999 - 12:24:20 EST

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: Ron Stoloff <rstoloff@MAIL.PHILA.K12.PA.US>
Subject: Re: More free webspace

At 08:30 AM 02/15/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Have been home sick, felled by bronchitis. I should be in school tomorrow
>though. Reminder--we are supposed to meet after school tomorrow--the PEF
>grant group.
>How is the project going? Do you want to schedule some of the oral history
>part in the library (forming question, etc.)? I haven't had any luck in
>getting an expert; we may just have to go it alone.
>I just took a look at the revised lesson plan. I'm really glad it's up, but
>some changes are needed.
>1--missing part--at the end of the introduction "Family stories are very
>rich..." you have the part that follows that.
>2--resources--I think would be better at the end, because we have so many
>of them. last item in resources: American Folklore Center Source Book
>[seek exact title and URL]--do you have anything else about this? I'll look
>for it, but we can't leave it like this.
>3--In Lesson 2, the excerpts from American Life Histories should be inserted.
>4--Did you check out using Voices from the Dust Bowl? Especially on the
>library computers?
>5--Lesson 8-- the student questions about looking for Grapes of Wrath info
>should be part of the library lesson. Also the numbering in this section is
>mixed up. Let's look at the original. The flow here is very strange.
>6--Lesson 10--numbering is off.
>7--holistic rubric? needs to be inserted
>8--articles from Daily News/Inquirer?
>9--Optional Lesson--I think this section should not be part of the lesson
>plan--but something that can be clicked on--because the subject matter is
>far from immigration.
>10--What did you change? Should I go ballistic?
>11--In Extension--Lesson 12 is called lesson 13.
>12 Do you have the article on race and beauty with the other material?
>(from a book on immigration?

I've updated some more stuff to the lesson plan. It now has a jump to the
rubric and to the resources.

I'll talk to you Tuesday about the rest of the details in your missive.

I did the first part with the class and I'll be doing more this week.

Hope you feel better - your #2 was out Thursday and Friday, too, so no
library and I couldn't get into the office to get some faxs.

I felt cut off from the world!!

Ron Stoloff

If the gods had intended man to fly they wouldn't have given us railroads.

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