university credit

From: Judith K. Graves (
Date: Thu Dec 24 1998 - 09:48:46 EST

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Memory Fellows <AMFELLOWS@RS8.LOC.GOV>
Poster: "Judith K. Graves" <jgrav@LOC.GOV>
Subject: university credit

Hi Everyone,
I know you've all gone home and gotten busy with school and personal
demands. (understatement, right?)

Perhaps now, you are starting to plan what you'll do in the new year -
courses to take, lesson to finish for the Library, summer vacation, etc.

Carl sent me a message asking whether or not it was still possible to get
university credit for the Fellows' work. Is anyone else interested in
obtaining university credit?

Also - does anyone want to get C.E.U credit? Kelly Loomis was the only one
to definitely say she wanted credit.

Happy holidays to everyone,

Judith K. Graves
Education Resources Specialist
National Digital Library Program
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C. 20540-1320
(V)202/707-2562 (F) 202/252-3173

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