American Memory Fellows Program

[ Lesson Toolkit ]

Lesson One :  Picture the Story

Step One:  Accessing Prior Knowledge, Initial Reactions

As an introductory activity students will be presented with the following images from the FSA-OWI collection.

                                     Image One
                                     Image Two
                                    Image Three

Using Student Resource Sheet A (Link Later), students will note:

            - What they can learn about the Dust Bowl from viewing these three images.
            - Personal reactions to photographs
            - What questions do they now have about the Dust Bowl

Step Two:  History Through Fiction

  Read Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse, noting Billie Jo's experiences of the Dust Bowl.

          Students should keep a guided journal noting specific passages relating to:

                                   school life
                                   community life
                                    family life
                                    governement assistance

         (This is Student Resource Sheet B - to be linked later)

After reading the novel, examine the cover of Out of the Dust noting the photograph of  Lucille Burroughs which was used to visually depict Hesse's character Billie Jo.Using the same method as the introductory activity, have the students discuss the possible origins of the photograph. Why was this photograph used? After this brainstorming session, students will view the original picture of Lucille Burroughs and its bibliographical record.

Step Three:   Depicting the Text

Students will brainstorm a list of key concepts from the novel. These key concepts will be used to teach keyword searching. Student Resource C ( to be linked later) will contain a lesson in how to do keyword searches.

Student Resource D (to be linked later) asks students to search the FSA and OWI collection to find their own depictions of characters such as Billie Jo, her father, and Mad Dog Craddock as well as images that portray passages chosen during Student Resource B.  Students may select to view photos of Oklahoma only or can be guided through the entire FSA/OWI collection by utilizing the key word search.

After image selection, students will compile a presentation (poster, collage, notebook, multimedia presentation, etc.) to be shared with others.

Resources Used

Evaluation and Extension

Students will write an essay answering the question "Was there a benefit to viewing visual images after having read the text?"  Why or why not? Defend your answer.

Extension activities...later

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